Sunday, November 23, 2008

Church on Fire

The first expression of the Church was an astonishing one.

On the day of Pentecost - when the Holy Spirit publicly manifested Himself with power on the 120 believers who were waiting and praying in the upper room (Acts 2.1-13) - we see the radical and dramatic transformation that takes place.

There is a hullabaloo as Jewish people from all over the Roman empire - present in Jerusalem for the festival prayers - hear the believers speaking in their own languages.

Peter - a new Peter - stands up and makes a dramatic proclamation of the risen Christ Jesus - and calls people to repentance (Acts 2.14-36).

The Holy Spirit touches and convicts the hearts of the listeners - and around 3000 are added to the infant church on that day alone (2.37-41).

Then we come to perhaps the most dramatic transformation of a group of people as ever recorded. We see a church on fire. Not like the illustration above - where a building is burning - but rather a people who are aflame.

Acts 2.42-47 is about a radical a description as you will get of a transformed community. This is no manifesto - this is no pie-in-the-sky plan. This is the factual account of what took place and the community that was born that amazing day.

As a Church at Samata Nagar - we are about to explore what the church did - and how this impacts us as followers of Jesus today.

We see clearly that the believers devoted themselves to 4 main practices:
  1. The apostles' teaching
  2. To the fellowship
  3. To the breaking of bread
  4. To prayer
What struck me strongly was the fact that the believers devoted themselves. This speaks of choice. This speaks of consistency - of stick-to-itevness - of being there for the long haul. Meditating on the word brought out another common use - devotion - something that we use with spiritual overtones.

Now take a look at the outcomes of this devotion! (vs. 43-47)

a. Everyone was filled with awe. The actions of the church resulted in people being God-aware and in the proper awe-filled sense. Something that mirrors Jesus' work - where people praised God because of what He did.

b. There were signs and wonders and miracles. The church did not devote themselves to signs and wonders - but signs and wonders followed them. For those who are serving the mighty universe-creating God - surely we should have experience with signs of His power in our midst?

c. They were all together and had everything in common. The biggest, biggest miracle of all. Put 3 Christians in a room and you have at least 2 factions - add 2 more and usually we see a denomination born...

Contrast this with the amazingly radical Jesus-following actions that flowed out of this church - they sold their possessions and gave to those in need. Can we even dare to dream this in an utopian sense - but here we are reading history rather than fantasy.

d. They met together publically in the Temple - and broke bread in their homes. This resulted in an outpouring of praise to God. And a radically joyful group of people.

e. Daily people were added to their group. Good news cannot remain hidden. People were being changed. People wanted to become Believers. The greatest miracle of the Holy Spirit - the conviction of our stubborn rebellious human hearts - was taking place - daily!


Does any of this sound familiar to us in our church experience today?

It should!

This is what the power and love of the Holy Spirit can do - and must do.

The key is the pattern found in Acts 2.42 - the believers devoted themselves. When God's people act - God brings the results. Both at the level of more loving actions by His people - as well as vital signs of His presence.

We are still serving the same God today! What a wonderful opportunity we have too to devote ourselves as a community to our Lord. The first church shows us the way forward. Let us follow their example - and expect great things from God!

We will be exploring each of the four main areas where God requires us to be devoted to him in the next 4 weeks, starting with this week's meditation on "They devoted themselves to the Apostles Teaching" which will be our next posting. Thanks for coming along - please feel free to comment and help us all move forward in what God wants of us.

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