Sunday, August 3, 2008

Introducing Saul (part 2)

Weekly Bible Study: 1 Sam. 9:15 - 10.8

Saul was the chosen one. God had chosen him, and told the greatest judge of Israel - the aging Samuel - that Saul would "deliver my people from the hand of the Philistines" (9:16).

God doesn't make mistakes. But look at the way his chosen one starts out: Saul asks Samuel about how to get to the 'seer's house'! What a faux pas! And yet how graciously Samuel replies - and honours this gawky young man by putting him at the head of the table of the feast that was prepared.

Instead of railing against God, Samuel is the servant - doing what God commanded him to do - and doing it with grace.

God has always delighted in lifting up the poor, the weak, the outcaste. Though Saul was a tall handsome man, he came from a family in humble circumstances, and certainly did not seem to know much about God or his prophet.

Samuel, however, makes it clear who has the ultimate authority. When he first meets Saul he says that "you will eat with me, and in the morning I will let you go." Hardly timid stuff - Samuel is ordering Saul. Samuel does so on the authority of God - since God will will continue to be king of Israel.

After the meal the old man talks with the young man - spending time together on the roof of the prophets' home. Early the next morning they have another conversation on the roof. This time Samuel anoints Saul - making it very clear that this is God's chosen one. The term Messiah is exactly that: the anointed one!

Knowing Saul's heart, Samuel then tells three specific signs that will take place to confirm what God is telling Saul. God knows our weak hearts!

What do we know of Saul till now? Tantalisingly little. The rest of the book unfolds the saga of the tragic life of the first human king of Israel.

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