Saturday, July 5, 2008

Does God accept wagers?

Weekly Bible Study: 1 Samuel Chapter 6


We learned a lot at our Bible study last night, but here is one thought.


The Philistines had had enough with the ark of the covenant. Seven months in their territory had brought only troubles. Boils and rats. Hardly pleasant stuff.


They finally called a conference to get rid of this ark. They knew it needed to go, but the problem was how to send it away. If the God of the Israelites was so powerful, surely He needs to be appeased in some way. Interestingly, the Philistines clearly remembered how God had caused the plagues on the Egyptians - a good 300 plus years previously. Strange that those who did not worship God would remember his power. The comment they make is telling " honour to Isael's god. Perhaps he will lift his hand from you and your gods and your land" (v.5).


But at the same time, even with all these demonstrations of power, there was no turning to God - rather the Philistines wanted to send God away. Also there was a snide question - did this all happen by chance? Richard Dawkins is certainly not new - questions about chance and divine intent are as old as the hills - which is why it is so refreshing to read the Bible.


The Philistines set up a challlenge to God. Three levels of difficulty: First: will a cart carrying the ark go back to Israel, or will it wander around willy-nilly. Second: will two cows who were never yoked (who yokes cows anyway?) pull the cart? Third: will they do so if their calves are taken away from them?


Does God accept wagers? He certainly doesn't have to. We know that we are told "not to put the Lord our God to the test."


But look at the mercy of God.


He could have squashed these five Philistine rulers and their mystical (and apparently semi-agnostic) advisors.


Instead he intervenes. The cart moves in a straight line - up the road to Israel. The cows do not move to the left or the right. They go "lowing all the way" - they are not going willingly - but are protesting loudly against whatever force is moving them away from their calves.


And here is the icing on the cake:


1) God doesn't take the ark to any old city in Israel - but to Beth Shemesh - a city given to Aaron's descendents - the priests of Israel (Joshua 21:13-16). If anyone is qualified to receive the ark it is these men who God has set apart for His service.


2) The ark arrives at harvest time - when everyone is out in the fields. No hidden slipping over the border. Everyone can see with their own eyes that this has happened.


3) The ark stops in a field of a man named Yeshua (Joshua). The ark stops in a place owned by a man called "Salvation".


Could God have given a more fitting answer to the wager placed before Him? Sadly, the Philistine rulers - having seen God's power - turn back to their gods. How many people today do the same - having seen God's power we turn back to the second rate, the less than God, because we are more comfortable with that?


The story could end here with all of us feeling very happy.


But that is not the end of the story .... more in the next post.

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