We ended up the last post with the good news that the ark was home. Rejoicing all around. The hapless cows sacrificed at the great rock in the field of a man called Salvation.

But then things go horribly wrong.
The men of Israel want to see what is inside the ark.
These men will have undoubtably heard what was going on in the neighbouring Philistine cities over the past 7 months. But hearing about the strong hand of God was not enough. They had to see what was inside.
God's anger burns against them. At least 70 die.
These are priests - descendants of Aaron. But their actions are similar to those of Eli's sons at the beginning of 1 Samuel. They treated what was holy with contempt.
God does not create 'holy objects' as such. He was quite willing to let the ark fall into Philistine hands when the Israelites believed that the ark would save them and lead them to victory.
But God will not allow his glory to be tampered with. These priestly men should have known better. The hand of God was heavy upon them - just like it was on the Philistines - God shows no partiality here.
And their response is also just like the Philistines - they ask that the ark be taken away - saying "who can stand in the presence of the Lord - this holy God?"
How tragic - and how current. So many times we do not want to be in the presence of a holy God. How often do we 'send God away'. We must remember that God will never force Himself on anyone. He respects our wills to an amazing level. Oh may we seek him with all our hearts!
The question that the Israelites ask is still the same today: who can stand in the presence of such a holy God?
The answer is found in God's word. The psalmist, writing in Psalm 24:3-6 answers by giving the qualities of the person who is able to stand in His holy place:
"He who has clean hands and a pure heart,
who does not lift up his soul to an idol,
or swear by what is false" Ps. 23:4
Do any of us fulfill these conditions? No. We have all fallen astray and are rebellious to God. But praise be to God - He accepts the goodness of Christ on our behalf - and is transforming us into His nature! By His death and resurrection - we are able to stand before God!
At the same time, we must also be very careful that we do not take God for granted. We can just as much play with fire today as the men of Beth Shemesh!
God has given us many very precious and holy things. His word. His reputation. His name. His commands. His rememberance at the Lord's supper. Each one of these things is very precious. Many have died rather than deny their Lord. But what do we do? So often we take them for granted. So often we allow sin to rule in our lives - and pour contempt on that which is holy. Is it any surprise when our lives are so shallow and defeated? When our efforts end up so apparently fruitless?
We are warned in 1 Corinthians 11 to be very careful when we partake in the Lord's supper. The issue of people falling ill and dying because they took part in an unworthy manner is not just Paul making a rhetorical point. It is part of God's high standards - made even higher because of His great gift of salvation for each one of us!
Have mercy on us Lord! Forgive us for playing with fire! Mend our hearts and fellowships in the way you desire.
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