This week I was reading the story of the calling of Peter, Andrew, James & John from Luke 5.
At first the most striking incident in this passage appears to be the great haul of fish. Jesus asks Peter to lower his net in deep water.Peter ,though reluctant does what Jesus asks. And then they catch this amazing amount of fish that fills 2 boats so that they begin to sink.
But this time I read this passage I found something even more amazing. Notice what these fishermen did with this fish.Did they sell it for a huge sum of money?Or did they eat to their hearts content?No they left it and followed Jesus.Why??
Peter and his fishing mates saw the hand of God behind this catch.They were no longer interested in their catch. They had found something better.They had found someone greater.
Something I asked my self,
"Am I too interested in the fish??"
1 comment:
Superb insight Ryan! Would that we will see the hand of God so much more in our lives - and make decisions to follow Him!
Great post - thanks a million!
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