1 Samuel 7.2-17
Though we are still very much in the 'times of the Judges' - when everyone did as he saw fit' (Judges 21:25) - we now have a big change take place among the Israelites.
They start to seek the Lord - and they mourned.
20 years after the ark of the covenant had been returned to Israel - they seek the Lord - and He answers them through Samuel. Samuel boldly tells them to rid themselves of all images they were worshipping. A huge national revival meeting is held. Samuel says that he will interede with God for them...
Can you imagine yourself publicly praying to God for your whole nation - asking forgiveness and seeking restoration of the relationship between God and His people? That's what Samuel did. The boy had now grown into a man - and an acknowleged prophet - who fulfilled the job of judge as well. The people fasted and confessed.
But into this happy party some uninvited guests show up: the massed troops of the Philistine army!
A change has taken place though. Instead of fleeing. Instead of cravenly surrendering to this army, the people of Israel told Samuel - don't stop praying to the Lord our God! Their hearts had genuinely changed to understand the foundational reality of God in every situation (cf 1 Peter 1:6-7) - even a desperate one in which the massed troops were closing in on them.
Where do we turn in times of trouble? When things scare us? When everything seems to be falling apart? Do we try to work things out on our own... or hide? Do we talk to God directly - or seek out a trusted person in the church?
Our God is not silent. He showed it by thundering so loud, tht all the amassed army of the Philistines turned heel and fled in terror.
Samuel then sets up a stone which he called 'Ebenezer' saying 'Thus far has the Lord helped us'.
Where have we put up 'Ebenezers'? (I am not talking about the grand old building in Mulund!). Do we actually have any? Are our lives experiencing God's goodness in new ways - and are we being open about making this known to a dying world around us? Are we expecting God to really change situations?
Lord - please change us deeply, so that we may be able to allow Jesus to be more and more the Lord of our lives - in every matter and area.
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